Having the roadway as an office space makes being a tow operator one of the most dangerous careers. At Guardian Fleet Services, safety is one of our top priorities;  Because of this, we equip our team with various tools to keep our tow operators safe, from ongoing training to reflective gear to emergency lights.
Unfortunately, even with these precautions in place, it is estimated that one tow operator loses their life every other week due to a vehicle striking them while assisting a disabled vehicle. That is why the towing, recovery, and specialized transportation industry led the movement to pass the Move Over law, which is in place in all 50 states — yet 71% of drivers are unaware of this law.
What is the Move Over Law?
When there is a stopped emergency or service vehicle with flashing lights on the road, drivers must move over a lane or slow down to 20mph less than the posted speed.
Which vehicles does the Move Over Law protect?
The Move Over Law protects emergency vehicles, sanitation vehicles, utility service vehicles, and tow trucks. Of these professions, tow operators are 15x more likely to be struck while working on the side of the road.
What are the repercussions for not following the Move Over Law?
Failure to follow the Move Over law is a ticket-able offense. But even worse, you put yourself and others at risk. If a driver is not paying attention and veers off into a worksite, there could be property damage, injuries, and potential loss of life.
What can you do to help?
- Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid distractions and be sober.
- Watch for stopped vehicles on the side of the road.
- When approaching emergency or service vehicles with flashing lights, move over a lane or slow down 20mph below the posted speed.
- Spread awareness about the Move Over law.
- Donate to the Wall of the Fallen located at the International Towing and Recovery Museum.
Tow operators are family members, friends, neighbors, and valued members of the community. Help them arrive home safely by moving over or slowing down while they are on the job.
In memory of Danny Hand, Crockett’s Tow Operator